Catholic Life / Religious Education / Prayer and Liturgy
At Our Lady's, Jesus Christ is central to every aspect of school life. All pupils are educated in the beliefs and devotional practices of the Catholic church. Participation in a daily prayer and liturgy takes place every morning, at lunch times, within RE lessons and at the end of each day. Every class prepares and leads Mass throughout the year, with parents, families and parishioners warmly welcomed.
We are supported by Spiritan Brothers Parish Priest Fr Kwaghtaver, Matthew C.S and Assistant Parish Priest: Fr Eamonn Mulcahy C.S.Sp.
The Catholic RE scheme ‘Learning and Growing as the People of God’ is followed throughout the school. Children participate in special liturgies during the school year which are timed to coincide with events in the Church’s calendar. All pupils learn about other religions and cultures and are encouraged to show respect and acknowledgement for the beliefs of others through open discussion and shared experiences. Parents and carers are advised that, in desiring a Catholic education for their child, it is expected that all pupils will participate in RE lessons.
Alongside our foundation subject curriculum, the Catholic Social Teachings thread through all that we teach and are explored at every opportunity.
Each class has nominated pupils on the 'RE Mission team'. They work as a team to promote charitable giving, being disciples in our world today and how we can support our school community.
We are proud to be part of the All Saints Catholic Collegiate and enjoy working across the MAC to support each other.
Please see the curriculum page for up to date Long Term Plans
MAC website All Saints - Home (
Parish website Sacred Heart, Hanley (
Catholic Life examples: (2) Our Lady's Fenton (@OLCAFenton) / X (
Values and Virtues
Each half term we look at different virtues of Jesus that we share with the children during assemblies and collective worship.
All children in our Catholic school are growing to be . . .
Grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, becoming men and women for others.
Attentive to their experience and to their vocation; and discerning about the choices they make and the effects of those choices.
Compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and loving by their just actions and forgiving words.
Faith-filled in their beliefs and hopeful for the future.
Eloquent and truthful in what they say of themselves, the relations between people, and the world.
Learned, finding God in all things; and wise in the ways they use their learning for the common good.
Curious about everything; and active in their engagement with the world, changing what they can for the better.
Intentional in the way they live and use the resources of the earth, guided by conscience; and prophetic in the example they set to others.