Year 5
Mrs Williams and Mrs Harding and would like to welcome you to the Year 5 page.
Link to the Year 5 Gallery page:
Topic - Time Traveller
In the Time Traveller topic, we will look at our past and where we have come from. Art will be our focus for this half term and we will be focusing on the artist Salvador Dali. We will explore and reimagine the artwork that he created, focusing on his use of clocks within his pieces. The main skills that we will be focusing on are photography and drawing facial features. In English, we will be exploring the book "A Wrinkle in Time" written by Madeleine L'Engle. We will be creating a character description on the main character and we will be writing our own Time Traveller Stories. The children will be continuing to develop their grammar skills and this half term we will be focusing on dialogue and speech. At the end of this unit, we will also be creating a poem about the different stages of life that we go through.
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home-learning-activities-plan.docx | Download |
Science - Properties and Changes of Material
This 'Properties and Changes of Material’ unit will primarily explore the properties of a range of materials. The children will begin by comparing and grouping together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets. The children will carry out experiments, exploring electrical conductivity and thermal insulators. Near the end of the unit, the children will be designing and carrying out an experiment that shows their understanding of how materials dissolve into a solution.
PE is every Monday and Thursday during this half term. Children can wear their PE kits on PE days to reduce congestion and close proximity in the areas used for changing. If possible, please don't let children wear earrings on PE days.
Home Learning
We ask that children read at home regularly at home. Children can read independently, to an adult, or to a sibling. Please ensure reading diaries are signed at least two times a week.
Children need to be practising times tables regularly at home, they can use TT Rockstars to help. Children also need to be using Bedrock at home to help with their grammar. Additional homework may also be set on Seesaw.
Children will be given spellings every Tuesday for a spelling test on Friday. The weekly spellings are also posted on Seesaw. Please ensure children are practising their spellings at home during the week.
Useful links:
Accelerated Reader (Quizzing)
Purple Mash
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National-curriculum-spelling-list-years-5-6.pdf | Download |