Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Year 6

Welcome back! We are looking forward to a fun-filled year!

Spring 1- Gallery Rebels

During the Spring term, Year 6 will focus on the topic Gallery Rebels. Year 6 will focus on a studying a variety of different artists and create their own pieces or art inspired by these famous artists.

Class text- Wonder- R.J. Palacio


Spring 2- A Child’s War

During Spring 2, Year 6 will focus on the Second World War. We will focus on the cause and effect of the Second World War and significant events.


Class text- Carrie’s War- Nina Bawden




It is really important to learn and to be able to recall lots of information in Maths. The document below highlights the key instant recall facts for the Autumn term. These will help with mental maths recall and the arithmetic that we will be learning during year 6.  

 Year 6 - Autumn Term - identify common factors of a pair of numbers.pdfDownload
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Bedrock Learning

'Bedrock' will enhance pupil learning and students will experience engaging, language-rich fiction and non-fiction texts that expand their knowledge of the world as well as their vocabulary. (Log in with your own user name and password)




We have P.E on Monday and Thursday. Please come to school wearing full PE kit including suitable footwear for outdoor activities. Remember, no earrings to be worn during PE so please make sure these are taken out and left at home if you cannot take them out yourselves.  


Maths and English Revision 

You might want to practice certain skills a little bit more at home. Try these links to games and activities:



Maths Games

BBC Bitesize Maths

Times Tables Rockstars (Log in with your own user name and password)

Numbots (log in with your own username and password)





SPaG Games

More SPaG Games

Accelerated Reader (Quizzing)


Quizzing Certificates


Reading at Home/ Homework

Please listen to your child read every day and ensure that their Reading Diary is signed to confirm this. We are checking Reading Diaries each week and children who have not read at home will have an opportunity to read in school by reading to staff during the morning break time on a Friday. Other topic related homework will be set. Remember to check Seesaw and Purple Mash for additional activities that are set.




Thank you to all who have signed up for Seesaw. It is a wonderful platform for us to use to set work for the pupils and for them to share the work that they do in school with those at home. All pupils have their Seesaw home learning code in their reading diaries to access their page at home.  



 spring-overview-year-6 (1).docDownload
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