Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

In our Reception family we have Mrs Leese (class teacher), Mrs Lythgoe, Mrs Leese and Mrs O'Leary.  We are looking forward to spending time together  where  we will will have lots of great fun  and learn lots of new things.

We truly  believe that 'With God all things are possible’ .


Our school day is 8:55am until 3:05pm and the children access school through the Early Years gate. The classroom door opens at 8:45am so the children are able to come straight into the classroom ready to learn and independently prepare themselves for the day ahead.


We  like to share our learning on Twitter so please do ensure that you are following the school Twitter page !


Our Catholic Ethos



The Catholic ethos is placed at the very heart of the school. It is that which permeates all aspects of school life.

Our school week includes daily prayers, RE Lessons, Relationship and Health Education, Mass, Collective Worship and regular discussion throughout the day about the Bible and the life of Jesus. 

Parental Engagement 

Magic moments are used  in Reception as an opportunity to share great news about the children. Please send them in regularly as they support your children's learning and are a great focus for a talking point. If you require any more please ask a member of staff who will happily hand them over. The magic moments are displayed in the classroom and then used in the children's individual profile. 


We also use the online learning journey, 'Tapestry', to evidence the learning that takes place for all of the children. We ask that parents/carers log into this account and engage, by commenting on their child's uploads and successes, viewing and using the recommended websites, accessing home- learning but to also share their own photographs to show what learning is taking place at home. Communications from staff are also sent via Tapestry so we please ask that you regularly access this facility. 


 Home learning is a very important part of your child’s academic development. It supports and consolidates the work your child is doing in school and it also gives you a chance to become involved in the learning process. Home learning  is provided at the start of each half term. This home learning can then be completed by children and parents when is convenient for you. We do however expect children to read each night and we also ask that parents sign the school diary. We ask that the plastic wallets containing reading books and reading diaries are sent into school each day. Reading books will be changed once a week if children have read regularly at home. 


    Physical Development

    This term we are very excited to be learning many new skills in our physical developments lessons, our focus for this term is gymnastics.  Please ensure that children come into school every Tuesday dressed in their full PE kit. School uniforms will not be needed on this day. 


    We use the outside classroom daily so please ensure that your child has a coat and suitable footwear in school. We ask that a waterproof, warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves are provided throughout the winter months and sun cream is applied before school during the spring and summer months, when the temperatures begin to rise. We will provide a school sun hat for all children to wear while they are at school. Due to our wonderful erratic British weather wellington boots are a MUST, all year around.  We ask that a pair of wellies are left at school, on your child's personal peg, to ensure that all children have equal opportunities to use the outdoor space in all types of weather.  


    *In the interest of health and safety, no jewellery is permitted in the Early Years Foundation Stage*


    Snack time

    Snacks and milk are available for the children in the Reception class. Toast, crumpets, teacakes and milk are available for the children to purchase daily. These snacks are paid for via parent pay. Milk is provided free of charge by the government until the children turn 5 years old.   Fruit, bagels and water are also available for the children each day. We ask that children bring a clearly labelled water bottle into school each day.

    Celebration Assembly

    Each Friday afternoon in our classroom we have a special celebration where we thank God for our wonderful week at school and children may receive certificates. We present one star of the week, one worker of the week and one certificate to celebrate a child that has lived out the values and virtues.   We are extremely proud of all our children!

     11 challenges by 11 years old

    All children are provided with a red book with a set of challenges at the front. We ask that children and parents work their way through the challenges together, sharing these experiences and building up their knowledge about the local area in which they live. The activities are fun and achievable for all. Additionally, they  will expose children to a breadth of new and exciting experiences as well as lots of new vocabulary.


    Please send the books in for the staff to share and talk about with the children.

    Learning Support

    Please use the links below to access games/activities to support your child with their learning.


    There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected.


    Three areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.

    These are the prime areas:
    • communication and language
    • physical development
    • personal, social and emotional development

    We also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.


    The specific areas are:
    • literacy
    • mathematics
    • understanding the world
    • expressive arts and design



    For more information  please see below.


    Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage


    Development Matters